Build cross platform react native apps with Expo and Next.jsThis article is about a fast and efficient way for building mobile apps. Also you will know how to reuse existing react native components…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Fast migration from the cloud S3 storage to an own based on min.ioI used about two years. It have a cheaper price and works well. But one month ago I started to have big delay before preview…Sep 8, 20191Sep 8, 20191
Deploy Rails App to Dokku with autorenewal SSLDokku is Open Source analog of Heroku. This is simple and powerful solution for developer who want to concentrate on development instead…Jun 13, 2019Jun 13, 2019
Rails и АкадемгородокУговор был таков, что после 3 месяцев удаленной работы из Тюмени я переезжаю в Академ. Нашел свободную комнату в нижней зоне Академгородка…Mar 25, 2017Mar 25, 2017
Deploying a Rails Application with DockerRecently I saw this video. I use docker-compose for development and thought about docker-compose in production. Today I started it.Mar 11, 2017Mar 11, 2017